Support aspiring farmer in Romania (Engels)

After studying in the Netherlands Monica Stanica, returned to her home country Romania with the dream of starting a CSA (community supported agriculture) farm. Monica: “I want to sell local veggies and fruits to local people and  introduce self-harvesting model in Romania. This kind of farming is completely new in Romania. Family farms there sell wholesale to the industry, and because of low prices and monocultures, every hour three family farms quit. The families are leaving the countryside. Investment companies, monocultures, pollution and a loss of biodiversity are replacing the family farms.” Monica want to contribute to an opposite trend by growing different organic crops for the local community. Monica: “By growing different crops there will be more biodiversity. By selling to the local community, local people will be more involved in food production and there will be more life in Romanian countryside.” To start her CSA farm Monica entered a competition in which people with the most votes will receive finance for their project.

To learn more about Monica’s project and vote for her (before 31st December 17:00) click here. You can also contact Monica if you are interested in a partnership.