Call to mobilize on September 2 in Blois for an EU Ministers of Agriculture meeting
On September 2, the European Ministers of Agriculture are invited by Stéphane Le Foll to meet in the luxurious Château de Chambord. In the meantime, the agricultural world is experiencing an unprecedented crisis.
The CAP has abandoned regulatory tools. All sectors are subject to uncanny intra-European competition and fluctuations in the world market: field crops, fruits and vegetables, viticulture, livestock … This neoliberal oriented policy, symbolized through the negotiation of free trade agreements, must be stopped. We want a social and democratic Europe.
Concerning the dairy crisis, studies show that a collective decline in production, made possible by European regulations (WTO Article 221), would allow a significant increase in prices.
The Confederation Paysanne calls on farmers to mobilize on September 2 in Blois (near Chambord). Belgian peasants, Spaniards, Germans, Italians will also be invited to join us in the demand for regulation.
The event will also be the occasion to distribute milk to people and to have a discussion on the crisis and its endangerment to food sovereignty.
RDVS the 02/09 in Blois in front of the Prefecture at 10h.
Place de la Republique, 4100 Blois
Participants arriving from other countries can come, if they wish, to Paris the day before and we will sort out accommodation and transport to Blois on D-Day
Contact :
Laurent Pinatel (06 80 58 97 22)
Maxime Bergonso (01 43 62 18 72)